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It couldn’t have been more than a week or two after I joined Second Life that I went looking for mermaids. I was never very successful. My friend Grizzy has a mer-avatar, as do friends of hers, but I had long pictured a certain type of very finny mermaid avatar for myself as well as some gathering place where I could see people who lived as mermaids for much of their lives in Second Life.

Yesterday I got most of my wish: Eris and went with our friends Soph and nox (of whom you’ll hear much more in time, I’ll bet) first to outfit ourselves mermishly (at EmeraldEver’s Shop by the Sea, Pyeonghwa 19, 166, 27), then to dance at Sirens (Shamrock 112, 173, 112), a beautiful merperson club.

Soph bought me the mer-aspects of my avatar, which shade in a variety of colors and include an AO (animation override, to make me move differently) and a HUD (a little control panel). You can see the results in this picture (note the wings):

The mermaid movements were an unexpected delight: flips and swishes and an ethereally graceful swimming-through-air movement for flying that looks almost physically possible. At Sirens they have a wonderful mer-dance ball, so we turned off our HUDs and danced to that.

The strangest thing to me was that they had *no water*. In fact, I didn’t even get that they had no water, as they had a watery dance floor with (one supposes) glass over the top of it that we were meant to dance on. I thought it was supposed to be water, so of course I examined it’s properties and asked Akasha, a lovely mermaid owner of the club, if she would make it phantom for us so we could swim-dance in it. She did, and we did, and it was only later when people mentioned swimming in the floor that I realized this wasn’t normally done. Surely there should be water at a mermish club?

I forgot to leave a tip, so I’ll be going back to do that. In the mean time, both the club and EmeraldEver’s are highly recommended!

More fun: my friend Maria showed me, Eris, and my friend Mailia the working subway in the Downtown sim, which also had great shopping that we were barely able to glimpse. We’ll be back. πŸ™‚

^^^\ Kate /^^^