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You might already know that I started a Second Life portal site called Second Links, with all of the most useful Second Life links I could find. Well, I’ve been doing some work on that to make it more useful, and now I’ve added some Handy New Things.

The Second life portal at http://www.secondlinks.com/portal is the original portal page with key links for news, basic Second Life sites, fashion, building, freebies and those kinds of things, but now with the ability to show a compact version (without the descriptions, easier to get to what you want to click on if you’re visiting sites you already know) and to hide any categories you’d like, permanently (or until you decide to click on the option that brings them back).

(You can also just go to http://www.secondlinks.com and it will bring up the portal and give you links to the other two pages.)

The news page at http://www.secondlinks.com/news shows the latest five headlines from each of 23 Second Life blogs or news sources, and they’re always shown most recently updated first. It uses the same categories as the portal page, so you can permanently show or hide listings there, too. Glancing at the page is kind of like getting a quick answer to “what’s going on with Second Life”?

The blogroll page at http://www.secondlinks.com/blogroll collects all of the Second Life blogs I could find, over 900 of them! Actually, there are about a thousand right now, but I’m slowly working through and checking each one, eliminating any that haven’t been updated in a long time or aren’t really blogs or whatever, so I imagine the number will go down to closer to 900 by the time I’m done.

I’d love suggestions for any of the pages! Personal blogs go on the blogroll page, and the ones with descriptions go up top. If you have a blog that’s about things going on in Second Life in general and you update it regularly and it’s not mainly about your life or your store or your venue or your friends, then it might be a good candidate for the news and portals page too.

Let me know if this is useful. I kept feeling like there should be sites like this, so in the end, of course, I had to run out and make them. 🙂

^^^\ Kate /^^^